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JomlahBazar Business Accounts Terms and Conditions

JomlahBazar Business Accounts Terms and Conditions

1. Purpose of Agreement

This Agreement between JomlahBazar and your business governs your access to and use of JomlahBazar Business. It enables registered business customers to purchase products and services for business purposes and access specialized features, services, software, and applications. Additional terms may apply to specific services or products, and you must use products as intended by their manufacturers. Various policies such as the Acceptable Use Policy, Pricing Policy, Sanctions and Export Policy, Privacy Notice, Gift Card Policy, and Healthcare Disclosure Policies are incorporated by reference.

2. Eligibility and Account Security

By creating a Business Account, you confirm that the individual registering has the authority to bind the business, and your business has the right to enter into this Agreement. Eligible Entities include various types of businesses, governmental entities, and non-profit organizations. Individual consumers should use You can authorize others to create User Accounts associated with your Business Account, and you are responsible for all activities under your account and any associated User Accounts. Maintain the security of your passwords and notify us immediately if unauthorized access is suspected.

3. Shipping, Returns, Charges, Payment, and Taxes

Your purchases follow JomlahBazar’s Shipping and Returns Policies. Risk of loss and title pass to you upon delivery to the carrier. Payments are due upon shipment or as specified. JomlahBazar does not take title to returned items until received at our fulfillment center. You need at least one valid payment method associated with your account, and we may charge any valid payment method if the primary one fails. Each party is responsible for their own taxes.

4. Disclaimer

Unless specified otherwise, JomlahBazar provides all information, content, materials, products, and services on an “as is” and “as available” basis without warranties, express or implied. We disclaim all warranties to the fullest extent permitted by law, including implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

5. Indemnification

You will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless JomlahBazar and its affiliates from any claims arising from breaches of this Agreement, improper use of products or services, disputes with Users, or your gross negligence or willful misconduct. We may control the defense of any claim at our expense.

6. Limitations of Liability

JomlahBazar will not be liable for any consequential, incidental, special, exemplary, or punitive damages, including lost profits, arising from your purchase of products or use of services, even if advised of such possibilities. Our liability is limited to the purchase price paid for the product or service that gives rise to the liability.

7. Customer Information, Privacy, Confidentiality

We require accurate and complete information about you and your Users. We may share this information to confirm accuracy and eligibility. Our use of your information is governed by our Privacy Notice. Confidential Information shared with you must be protected and used only in connection with JomlahBazar Business. You must not disclose Confidential Information for five years following the termination of this Agreement unless required by law.

8. Governing Law, Disputes, Governmental Entities

The laws of the jurisdiction in which JomlahBazar is based govern this Agreement and any disputes. Any dispute related to JomlahBazar Business or this Agreement will be resolved through binding arbitration. Public sector entities will be governed by their applicable sovereign laws.

9. Third-Party Offerings

Third parties operate stores, provide services, or sell products through JomlahBazar Business. JomlahBazar is not responsible for these third parties’ actions or products. You should review their privacy statements and terms of use.

10. Modifications

We may change this Agreement by posting updates or notifying your account administrators. Continued use of JomlahBazar Business after changes indicates acceptance. If you disagree, you may cancel your Business Account.

11. Entire Agreement

This Agreement is the complete and exclusive understanding between you and JomlahBazar. Any different or additional terms are not binding unless agreed upon in writing.

12. Term; Termination

This Agreement is effective upon account creation and continues until terminated. We may terminate it with notice. You may terminate it by closing your account. Upon termination, rights and obligations cease except for pre-existing rights and Sections 1, 4, 5, 6, 7.3, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15.

13. Copyrights; Trademarks; Patents

Using JomlahBazar Business does not grant rights to our copyrighted material, trademarks, patents, or other proprietary rights unless expressly permitted in writing.

14. License; Service

The use of JomlahBazar service and features is subject to this Agreement. You are granted a limited, non-transferable license to use the service solely for JomlahBazar Business. Unauthorized use, reverse engineering, or access distribution of the service is prohibited. Updates may be provided at any time.

15. Miscellaneous

Suggestions made about JomlahBazar can be used freely by us. This Agreement cannot be assigned without our consent. If any part is deemed unlawful, the rest remains in effect. Failure to enforce any provision is not a waiver of future enforcement. Conflicts between the Agreement and Policies or Feature Terms will be resolved in favor of the applicable document. Notices and communications from JomlahBazar will be electronic or to your provided address.

By using JomlahBazar Business, you agree to these terms and conditions.

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