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What is JomlahBazar?

JomlahBazar is a leading online Ecommerce in the UAE, connecting buyers and sellers across a wide range of products. We offer a convenient and secure platform for you to shop for your needs or sell your products to a large audience.

Is JomlahBazar available in which languages?

At the moment, JomlahBazar is fully available in English for your ease of use.

Is JomlahBazar available in other countries?

Yes, of course. JomlahBazar could use JomlahBazar services in Iraq and UAE

What are the benefits of using JomlahBazar?

  • Wide variety of products to choose from
  • Competitive prices
  • Secure payment options
  • Convenient delivery options
  • Easy return and refund policies

Do I need to create an account to use JomlahBazar?

You can browse products without an account, but to place orders, leave reviews, or sell items, you will need to create a free account

How do I find products on JomlahBazar?

You can use our search bar to find specific products or browse through our various categories. We also offer filters to narrow down your search results based on price, brand, and other criteria.

How do I place an order?

Once you've found a product you want to purchase, click on it to view the details. Select the desired quantity, and any other options (like size or color), and click 'Add to Cart.' Proceed to checkout to complete your purchase.

What payment methods does JomlahBazar offer?

After approving your order we contact you to coordinate your order payment.

What is JomlahBazar's return policy?

  • Eligibility: Customers have the right to return products within 15 days from the date of receipt. Products must be in their original condition as when it was received (sealed/unopened if applicable, with the original brand /manufacturer box or packaging, and, if applicable, any user manual, warranty card and all accessories), the product was not damaged while in your possession and the product is not different from what was shipped to you.
  • Process: To initiate a return, contact our customer service team with your order number and the reason for the return. We will provide you with instructions for returning the item. You may be required to arrange and pay for return shipping unless the return is due to an error on the seller's part.
  • Exceptions: Non-returnable items include perishable goods, personalized items, and items marked as non-returnable at the time of purchase.


In the event customers are found to misuse the return policy by excessively returning, or returning items which are not in original condition or by cancelling or not accepting the orders placed, JomlahBazar reserves the right to warn, restrict, suspend, block and/or terminate such customer accounts, as necessary.

We will not accept return of any item which is wrongfully sent to us or items which are different than what was delivered to you. This includes items which were not originally purchased from JomlahBazar. In the event we receive such items, we are unable to return or provide a refund or other concession in respect of such items and such action may result in restrictions on your JomlahBazar account, including limiting your ability to return items in future, order cancellation and/or JomlahBazar account closure.

What is JomlahBazar's refund policy?

  • Refund Processing: Once the returned item is received and inspected, we will notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund. Approved refunds will be processed to the original payment method within 5-7 days.
  • Shipping Costs: The cost of shipping for returns is generally non-refundable unless the return is due to a mistake on the seller's part. In such cases, the seller will cover the return shipping costs.
  • Partial Refunds: A partial refund may be issued for items that are not returned in their original condition, are damaged, or are missing parts not due to our error.
  • Replacement: Some items may be eligible for replacement only. If the exact same product is not in stock, we will issue a refund.

What is JomlahBazar's cancellation policy?

  • Order Cancellation: Orders can be cancelled within 30 minutes of placement. To cancel, please contact us immediately with your order details. After this period, cancellations may not be possible, and you may need to follow our return process.


You cannot cancel items that have entered the shipping process. If you decide to cancel a delivery shipment containing multiple orders, the rest of your orders will be cancelled under that specific shipment.

What are our Legal Rights?

This policy does not affect your statutory rights under UAE Federal Law No. 24 of 2006 on Consumer Protection. For more details on your rights, please refer to the Consumer Protection Law or consult with legal advice.

How to Sell Your Product in the JomlahBazar Platform:

  1. Click on the "Dummy Icon" located at the top right of the page.
  2. Select "Sign in."
  3. Enter the location code of your phone number and your full contact number on the "Welcome back" page.
  4. An OTP (One-Time Password) will be sent to your specified contact method.
  5. Input the received OTP code and continue.
  6. In the "Dashboard":
    • Click on "Become a Seller."
    • Fill in your "First Name," "Last Name," "User Name," and "Email."
    • Click "Continue."
  7. When prompted, confirm your intention to work as a seller by selecting "Yes."
  8. You will be redirected to the "Seller Dashboard."
  9. Click on "Your Stores."
  10. Select "Add Stores."
  11. Enter your "Store Name."
  12. Click "Create Store."

After the store is created:

  1. Click "Manage This Store" and then click on "Product" to find and add products to your store.
  2. Select "Add Product."
  3. Choose your product by clicking one of the following options:
    • A. Product Filters (search by product name)
    • B. Categories (search by product category)
    • C. Stores (search by store name)
    • D. Brands (select your desired brand)
  4. Click "Add" to include the product you want.
  5. In the "Add Product" window, you will see the following options:
    • Exportable (for products that can be exported)
    • Selling in Bulk (for wholesale purchases)
    • Always Available (for products that can be sold without limits; if not, do not select this option and enter the product quantity in "Base Quantity").
  6. Specify your product price in "Your Price."
  7. In the "Min Quantity" section, set the minimum number of the product that a customer can buy.
  8. Click "Add."
  9. You will see a confirmation message, “Successfully Created the Product Information.”
  10. After selecting your products, click the "Back" icon to view your product list.
  11. This product list can be found in the "Inventory" section.
  12. Under the "Actions" section, you can manage your product information:
    • Set New Price (update the  price and minimum order quantity of your product)
    • Edit Product (change options such as “Exportable,” “Always Available,” and “Sell in Bulk”)
    • Stock Management (adjust your “Available Quantity”)
    • Delete Item (remove the product)
    • Preview (view the product as it appears on the site)
  13. By selecting the "Export" option, you can download an Excel sheet containing all relevant product information, including "Minimum" and "Price." You can modify the "New Price" and "New Number of Minimum" columns, save the updated Excel file, and upload it using the "Import" option.
  14. Once your product information is uploaded, sellers must wait for buyers to place their orders.
  15. To approve a buyer's order, go to the "Received Orders" section in your dashboard.
  16. Select "View Order Process" to review the quantity of the product ordered and check the information.
  17. Confirm the order by selecting the checkbox next to the product, specify "Delivery Time" (after payment), and, if applicable, apply a discount percentage.
  18. "VAT Included": Check this option to add the applicable tax percentage.
  19. Confirm your acceptance of the rules by checking the box indicating your understanding that the proforma invoice will become unmodifiable thereafter.
  20. After selecting "Confirm," you will see “Proforma Created.”
  21. Once the buyer has made the payment, confirm receipt of the funds by responding with “Yes, I have received the amount.” You will see “Payment Confirmed” and “Delivery” notifications.

What are the fees associated with selling on JomlahBazar?

We offer a transparent fee structure. You can find details about our seller fees on our website.

How could I contact JomlahBazar?

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support team. We are available 24/7 to assist you in Arabic or English.

  • Phone: +971-503201172 (what's app) / +971 50 8501 194
  • Email:

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